And then there were the bactrians

To continue from my last post about camels… On a trip to Ladakh in 2009, my heart’s desire for more camels was fulfilled. (Though never satiated!)

Nubra valley is the most other-worldly place I’ve ever been to. The journey is the stuff of dreams. You first climb from Leh to Khardung La which, at 5,359 m (17,582 ft), is one of the highest motorable passes in the world.

Then you plunge down into a cold desert, with the shockingly blue Shyok river running through it. It’s like falling off the edge of the world into some alternate reality.

And then you come to the green valley, where bactrian camels roam free. This area was once on the silk route and when the trade was given up, the camels were left behind. Oh, the fabulous wonderment of meeting a camel in the wild!

20 responses to “And then there were the bactrians

  1. Been there too! Otherworldly is right! The kids were in swimsuits, playing in the desert sand by the Shiok with such tall, snow capped mountains in the background. Was something else!

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  2. That I am!
    Camel of your own? Be happy your wish hasnt been granted – just imagine those eyes judging you, and that slight sneer all day long!! 🤣

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    • Thanks, Sadagopan. Each part of that journey stands out in my memory as separately beautiful; but to have them all so surprisingly juxtaposed made it the experience of a lifetime. As for the camels, I have no words!

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  4. Glad I am visiting the valley Nubra once more in your post and this time seeing the camels of the cold desert in sheep clothing 🙂


  5. Very nice. Brings back memories I took the same route and the camel rides, in 2017 crossing Khardongla pass (18,380 ft) – was breathless!! . Went further to Turtek by the border In summer though.

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